Overview: By default, NoodleTools orders your source list alphabetically (using letter-by-letter alphabetization). Each of the style guides has slightly different rules for alphabetizing. Unless your instructor specifically requests otherwise, a source list should always be submitted using NoodleTools' default sort order. However, it can be revealing and instructive to be able to group or sort your list in other ways. 

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✔︎ NoodleTools Individual License

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 NoodleTools Express


On the Sources screen, to the far right, select an option from the "Sort" dropdown or click on one of the sortable column headers.

Alphabetical (or click "Citation" column header)
The default sort order. Letter-by-letter alphabetization of entries.
CurrencyCitations are ordered in descending order of publication or copyright date (most recent first). Sources for which no date is known or provided are listed at the bottom when this sort order is selected. 
Media type (or click "Media Type" column header)Citations are grouped into general, pre-defined groups indicating the type of publication: Periodicals, non-periodicals, audio-visual materials, websites and other e-sources, legal sources, and unpublished/other. Within each of these groups, entries are ordered alphabetically.
Primary, secondary (or click "Tag" column header)Citations are grouped based on whether they have been labeled by the user as a primary, secondary, or tertiary source. See also "How to identify and tag primary, secondary, and tertiary sources."
Red, Green, BlueCitations are grouped by color label. The meaning of the colors are up to the user, so this is a flexible way to group sources. See also "How to add color tags to source citations"
CollaboratorIn a collaborative project, citations created by a member of the team are grouped together.

When you export your source list, the sort order will be maintained.