Overview: Rather than starting from scratch with an empty project, your class of students can copy a "template" project that you've supplied into their own accounts. Template projects can contain sample citations, notecards, an outline, and a to-do list.

This article applies to: 

✔︎ NoodleTools School Subscription

 NoodleTools Individual License

 NoodleTools MLA Lite

 NoodleTools Express


Step 1:

On the Projects screencreate a new project with the citation style and level you want students to use. In the new project, add any of these items that will kick-start their work, e.g.: 

  • A to-do list in advance of the project deadlines.
  • Citations for key sources they will need (a "pathfinder").
  • A sample annotation on one citation that illustrates what criteria to address in an annotated bibliography.
  • Notecard(s) to model analysis and bullet-point notes (in "paraphrase or summary") or inquiry and reflection (in "my ideas").
  • An outline to enforce a common outline structure for your entire class.

Step 2:

Click the "Add" (plus sign) icon that displays when you hover over the "Sharing" column for the project.

Step 3:

In the panel that opens, click the Configure public access button under "Public View"

Step 4:

Select "Allow entire project to be copied." Click Done.

Step 5:

Share the public access URL with your class. The URL can be posted on a web page where students can click on it.

Step 6:

After opening the public access URL, students can click the Copy project button. If they are already logged into their NoodleTools account, they will be prompted to copy the project into their account. If they are not logged in, NoodleTools will prompt them to log into their account first. After NoodleTools confirms the project has been copied, the student can close this window and return to their Projects screen where they will see the new project. As they make edits to their copy of the project, the project template in your own account remains untouched.

Why use a template project?

Demonstrating how to use NoodleTools

For example, the public project http://noodle.to/toothnotes contains notecards and citations. It can help students learn:

  • How to add a source like this one about flossing: http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20140527-does-flossing-protect-your-teeth
  • How to pile notecards into subtopics and move them into the outline. Or you can change subtopics in the outline or move them up and down.
  • How to add tags, cues, and colors. For example, on a notecard, choose "Apply Cue" and check the box "Need help." Apply colors (red for "con" arguments, green for a "pro" arguments).

Assessing understanding

For example, in the public project http://noodle.to/toothnotes, students are asked to write an annotation for each source explaining how they would use it to answer the question "Is tooth decay caused by sugar?" A teacher or librarian can view and comment on each student's work. If the topic is directly related to a subject being studied, the student could write a short essay or compose a visual argument using the sources.

Purpose of this assessment:

  • Checks a student's understanding of the threshold concept that relevant and credible sources may be biased or have a point of view.

  • Evaluates a student's application of the threshold concept that writing is a "conversation" among ideas, rather than a report of facts.

  • Assesses a student's skill in using claims and evidence.

  • Assesses a student's ability to write a coherent, critical annotation

Additional template examples with sources and notecards: