Overview: When you add a link to an online document (Google Doc, Word Online Doc, etc.) as an attachment to a shared NoodleTools project, you also need to verify that the students or teachers with access to the project have permissions to view that document.

This article applies to: 

✔︎ NoodleTools School Subscription

 NoodleTools Individual License

NoodleTools MLA Lite

 NoodleTools Express


Step 1: 

In your browser, go to your OneDrive and open the document. 

Step 2: 

In the upper right corner, click the blue Share button.

Step 3:

On the "Send Link" popup, enter the email addresses of your collaborators or teacher. By default, anyone with the link (obtained from the "Copy link" button at the bottom) can both view and edit the document. Click the pencil icon to the right of the email field to change "Can edit" to "Can view" assuming you do not want them to be able to modify the document.

Step 4:

Click "Anyone with the link can edit" to change additional settings. On the "Link settings" window, you can restrict access to just people at your school that have the document link, or to limit access solely to the person(s) you have identified in Step 3. Click Apply, then Send to finish.