OverviewYou may tag citations with a color, allowing you to group them as needed when you export. For example, you might create a working bibliography with every source you consider using, then apply the color red to the sources that you do not end up using in your paper (so that you can omit those sources when you export your final Works Cited list).

This article applies to: 

✔︎ NoodleTools School Subscription

✔︎ NoodleTools Individual License

✔︎ NoodleTools MLA Lite

 NoodleTools Express

Note: This functionality is not available in a Starter-level project, since we simplify that interface for younger students.


Step 1: 

On the Sources screen, mouse-over the area next to your citation in the "Tag" column and click the "+" icon that appears there (on an iPad, you may need to press once to display the "+" and then press again on the "+"). A menu appears with three colors: green, red, and blue.

Step 2: 

When you select a color, both the source and tag will display the color label.


To remove a tag, click the color label and deselect the tag in the menu. 

To sort your citations into groups of color, open the "Sort" dropdown at the top right of the Sources screen and select "Red, Green, Blue." 

When you export the source list via the Print/Export option, you have the option of selecting "Sources with these tags" and specifying which color(s) of sources to include. If you want to export the sources that do not have a color tag applied, select "no color" (circle with slash).