OverviewIn NoodleTools, you can work together with your classmates on a project, each of you contributing to the list of sources, notecards and an outline. You can also exchange comments or questions about the project.

This article applies to: 

✔︎ NoodleTools School Subscription

 NoodleTools Individual License

 NoodleTools MLA Lite

 NoodleTools Express


To start a collaborative project, one student creates the project in their user account and then adds the other student(s) as described here.

Step 1:

On the Projects screenClick the "Add" (plus sign) or current icon in the "Sharing" column for the project.

Step 2:

In the panel that opens, click the Add student button under "Student Collaboration."

Step 3:

Enter the student’s Personal ID in the text field. Note that if your school uses Google or Microsoft 365 for access, a student's Personal ID is their Google or 365 email address.

By default, the student will be a full collaborator (equal access to edit the project as yourself). If you want the student be able to view your project and add comments, but not be able to add or change anything else, select the peer-reviewer option. 

Step 4:

Click Done. If you want to additional collaborators, click Add student and enter the Personal IDs for each one. 

Step 5:

Keep in mind that students you add to the project will also have access to project and source attachments that you add. If you've included the share URL of a Google Doc or Word Online document as an attachment, and your collaborator(s) need access to it, make sure you also configure sharing of that file within Google Docs or Word Online to allow read/edit/comment access as needed. More help with that: Google Docs | Word Online

Step 6:

On the Projects page, a collaborative project is identified by their collaborators' initials in the "Sharing" column. To change the project collaborators, click on the circles to open the panel.

As work is done in the project, you can open this panel at any time and see the number of citations and notecards created by each contributor.

Step 7:

As you work together on a collaborative project, your team members will use their NoodleTools accounts to contribute work or make changes to the project. When another student has the project open, you will see a “Who's online” link below the top navigation. Click on the link to view who is working on the project. If “Who's online” is not visible, it means that you are the only one currently viewing the project.

Step 8:

When a team member has saved a change (e.g. edited a notecards, deleted a source reference, updated the outline, etc.), other team members will get a green notification at the top of the screen reflecting what has changed.

On the Notecard Tabletop, as team members move notecards or created piles, your own screen will update to reflect those changes. You may be restricted from editing particular notecards or piles depending on what collaborators are working on.

Hint 1: 

When sharing a collaborative project with the teacher, only one of the students working on the collaborative project needs to share the project with the teacher's inbox (as opposed to each collaborator individually).

Hint 2: 

If you are a collaborator on a project, selecting the project and deleting it from your Projects screen simply removes you as a collaborator. The project will still remain visible to your team members. If you accidently delete a collaborative project from your account, you will need to ask one of your team members who still has access to re-add you as a collaborator to the project.

Hint 3: 

If you were not logged in when changes were made to the project, you can view project updates by clicking the date in the "Updated" column to open a 30-day log. The "Project history log" shows the most recent activity at top.

Hint 4: 

To add or respond to a comment or question about the project, see "How to write and respond to project comments."